sick woman on telemedicine visit

6 Things We Learned at ATA 2017

This year’s American Telemedicine Association conference just wrapped up this week in Orlando. The theme, Telehealth 2.0, emphasized that when it’s done right, telehealth can benefit patients and providers, and they both prefer it. Throughout the numerous panels and talks, the tremendous growth of the industry showcased innovation, technology, and workable solutions. In case you missed it, here are the top six takeaways that we learned from the conference.

1. Explosion of devices

Every year, ATA’s exhibition hall seems to feature more devices, more wearables, more dashboards, and more ways to connect, measure, and track metrics. These gadgets make telemedicine more convenient and accessible for both patients and providers.

2. Maturing industry

A few years ago, the buzz was centered around the possibilities of telemedicine. Now that telemedicine has been proven to work well, the industry is systematizing and organizing within health systems; attendees have defined projects and are looking for working solutions to defined problems.

3. Going beyond the four walls

Hospitals and medical centers are pushing their expertise outside their walls through applications such as Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and community paramedicine, an outreach program which reduces ambulance calls, emergency room visits, and hospital readmissions.

4. Connectivity is still a barrier

As organizations push the frontier of where they provide services, broadband Internet service is a consistent stumbling block. People are looking for more and better connectivity.

5. Portability is in demand

Big and heavy arrangements, such as fixed room systems and heavyweight do-it-all carts, are on the way out; small and light systems are on the way in. People want miniaturized, wearable, shoebox-sized kits, such as our DOT Telemedicine Backpack, that provide flexibility and convenience on-the-go.

6. More integration is needed

Although telehealth solutions abound, they need to work together and share data with existing systems. Such collaboration will increase value, efficiency, and cost savings while providing patients with the best care possible.

To view the highlights of the conference, click here.

To learn more about the ATA, click here.