swyMed Now Available in Apple App Store

Apple fans, rejoice! The swyMed app has returned to the Apple App Store, and it’s better than ever before! 

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swyMed_mobile_stroke_unit: mHealth Technology makes teleStroke and ET3 programs possible

mHealth Technology Takes ET3 from Concept to Reality

The long-awaited ET3 program is finally here! After delays caused by the pandemic, the Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (ET3) program went into effect on January 1, 2021. To support this initiative, swyMed and Logitech are working together to provide the mHealth technology (mobile real-time audio-visual communications) that makes the ET3 program possible. Read more

FirstNet logo

swyMed Telemedicine Solutions Now Include FirstNet®

  LEXINGTON, Massachusetts, July 8, 2020 – swyMed, a provider of industry leading telemedicine and connectivity solutions, announced today the general availability of its telemedicine software suite and DOT backpack as an embedded solution with FirstNet. As part of this relationship, swyMed’s mobile telemedicine and connectivity solutions can operate on FirstNet, the only nationwide wireless, high-speed […]

Paramedics prepping patient for transport and EMS telemedicine

Are Paramedics Ready for EMS Telemedicine?

As video communications infrastructures and telemedicine technology constantly improve, the opportunities to expand telemedicine into new fields are multiplying rapidly. One such area, mobile health (mHealth), refers to the application of telemedicine technologies in areas beyond the four walls of a hospital or clinic—in other words, medicine on-the-go. For instance, EMS telemedicine (Emergency Medical Services) integrates telemedicine into ambulances so that paramedics can contact a specialist at the hospital for an initial assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan—even before arriving at the emergency department (ED). This capability offers the potential to save crucial minutes for patients like stroke victims, for whom the drug of choice—tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)—must be administered within a certain time frame to be effective and life-saving. Indeed, a recent meta-analysis of over 6,600 patients treated with tPA found a strong correlation between EMS telemedicine availability in the ambulance and decreased times from symptom onset to treatment. However, the technology can only be useful if the operator can wield it effectively; how do paramedics value and use mHealth? Read more

EMT first aid bag prior to emergency telemedicine program

Six Tips for Planning Your Emergency Telemedicine Program Smartly

Five years ago, the Houston Fire Department (HFD) developed the Emergency Telehealth and Navigation (ETHAN) program as a way to respond to every call by providing the appropriate level of health care rather than bringing everyone to the emergency department—without using up resources to transport non-emergency patients. Since its inception, the ETHAN project has picked up a few tips that could prove helpful if your organization is designing, or will design, an emergency telemedicine program. Read more

tornado aftermath

Sci-Fi No More: Telemedicine Drones Are a Reality

Thanks to telemedicine, medical drones are one giant step closer to reality. A research team in Mississippi has created three prototypes of a medical drone that can fly to the site of a natural or man-made disaster while carrying audiovisual equipment and medical supplies. Once the telemedicine drone arrives, a remote doctor can see the patient’s condition through the webcam and provide first aid directions. Read more

2016 Innovation Showcase sponsored by the Telecom Council of Silicon Valley

swyMed Selected for 2016 Innovation Showcase

This year, swyMed is honored to be chosen for the 2016 Innovation Showcase, which highlights up-and-coming movers and shakers in the telecommunications industry. Sponsored by the Telecom Council of Silicon Valley, the panel features 20 startups as selected by the organization’s service provider and investor members based on innovation, viability, momentum, and management. Read more

Microcephaly comparison

Telemedicine Brings Healthcare to Zika Victims

Amidst all the worries of the Zika epidemic affecting babies in Brazil, here’s a bit of encouraging news. Dr. Sandra Mattos, a pediatric cardiologist, is using telemedicine to increase those infants’ access to care. Her efforts have overcome poor infrastructure, especially in remote areas, that typically prevent families from receiving needed health care. Read more

Woman administering insulin injection

Using Telemedicine for Diabetes Care

According to a recent article in Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, managing diabetes at home is about to become easier. Many types of data—such as blood glucose levels, food intake, and exercise patterns—can be measured, transmitted securely, and analyzed. So far, studies suggest that telemedicine for diabetes care can lead to better outcomes at lower costs. Read more

Dr Alex Sommers of Astia Health

Astia Health Brings Medical Care To You

Remember when doctors used to make house calls routinely? The days of personalized, in-home medical care are returning, but with a twist. Thanks to video medicine technology, Wisconsin company Astia Health can connect you with a physician, no matter where you are, and deliver treatment to your doorstep. Read more