DOT Xstream
The Everywhere Telemedicine Backpack

The DOT Xstream is the 100% coverage solution for the roads less traveled (at least by cellular service)
The DOT Xstream includes a satellite receiver, allowing you to extend the range of your telemedicine backpack to where there is no cell signal available: cruise ships, ocean freighters, mountaintops, river beds. We have been asked to try airplanes and helicopters, but for those environments, we think we need something a little more extreme than even the Xstream.
If you are close enough to civilization to catch a cell signal, as a member of the DOT family, the Xstream has the enterprise class dual carrier, dual modem, multiple antenna array technologies inside to give you broadband access. And for the times that you are wayyyyyy off the beaten path, point your satellite receiver South to catch the signal and the Xstream with swyMed’s software will give you full telemedicine capability.
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