swyMed powers fully equipped clinic cases for EMTs, first responders, ad hoc clinics, and ambulance ER screenings. (For more on swyMed in ambulances, click here.) Show doctors at hospitals and clinics everything they’d need to possibly save a life, allowing emergency responders to act as field triage or prevent an expensive unnecessary ambulance trip and freeing up a valuable ER bed.
And now presenting our new mini cases for medical outreach efforts. All with swyMed’s trademark connectivity for difficult networks and workflow integration.
swyMed works under the most rigorous of network conditions, often in places where cell phones do not even while using the same networks, giving the swyMed and swyMed + MaxLife cases the power to work where no other cases can.
Although originally intended for first responders, many doctors have been asking to use our clinic cases as field units for RN and PA assisted home visits, and hospital systems for ad hoc remote clinics. They are a truly versatile telemedicine tool.
To see a swyMed + MaxLife EMT kit in action screening ER patients within their homes, play the video above. For a brochure and technical data, fill in the form to the right and you’ll be sent a download link.
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Data Sheet
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