swyMed Software Development Kit

With swyMed’s SDK and APIs, you get the best of both worlds


swyMed offers an SDK to allow software developers to build our industry leading, real-time video into any application.

If you want to build a world-class application, but you don’t want to become a world-class video engineer.  We have a solution.  The swyMed SDK allows you to build the application you want with comprehensive code libraries for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

With the swyMed SDK your app can easily launch multi-platform, high quality real-time video, just like ours.  But it will look, feel, sound, smell and BE, your app…with our video engine under the hood.

If you have the development skills in-house, or a relationship with skilled developers, the swyMed SDK is a path to getting exactly what you want, the way you want it.

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