Top 5 Ways to Stop Echo on Your Video Conference
With multiple sound sources and recording devices in a video call / video conference / video collaboration session, one of the big issues that can detract from the “like you are there” experience is the presence of audio echo echo echo echo echo.
As big a fan as you might be of Martha and the Muffins, the last thing you want in your video call is echo. But what can you do ? First you have to know who is CAUSING the echo. It is actually sort of easy. If you hear yourself echo, you are not the problem. The one person on the call who says “What echo are you all talking about?” is the source.
Now you can get to work fixing it with the top five ways to quash echo on your next video call:
1) Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) Software – The Windows operating system has echo cancellation technology built in and …read more…