Telemedicine Benchmark Survey Reveals the State of the Industry
A new telemedicine industry benchmark survey, published by REACH Health, reveals the state of the industry and where it’s headed. Respondents include healthcare executives, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals in various organizations with revenues varying from under $50 million to over $1 billion.
Key points from the report:
- Telemedicine is becoming a mainstream service, not just a specialty.
- Over half of those surveyed view telemedicine as a top or high priority.
- The top three objectives for telemedicine programs are all patient-oriented: improving outcomes, improving convenience, and increasing engagement and satisfaction.
- The majority of respondents identified better leveraging specialists as a top or high priority.
- Of those who started their telemedicine programs with a departmental approach, nearly half are switching to an enterprise approach.
- More specialized service lines have more mature telemedicine programs than generalized care.
- Respondents viewed telemedicine technology, reporting, analytics, and in-house physicians as being highly important to a telemedicine program’s success.
- The biggest challenges to implementing new programs are a lack of reimbursement and issues related to EMR systems, such as the lack of integration between telemedicine and EMR systems.
- For 70 percent of respondents, their telemedicine programs operate within a single state, likely due to the challenges facing multi-state programs.
To read more, visit JD Supra here.
To read the report, click here.